Vendor Directory
The Vendor Directory is where all Vendor contact information is saved and can be updated or added to at any time. Adding Vendors to the Vendor Directory prior to creating a draw request will allow the Portal to autofill the Vendor’s contact information on the draw request screen
To get started, click Vendor on the left side of the BC Portal Home screen.
The following page will display the Vendor Directory. Select Add to add a new Vendor.
On the following screen, add the Vendor Name, Address and Email. The Email provided will receive an email invitation to create an account with the Vendor Portal. The Vendor will then be able to provide their ACH information for direct draw disbursement.
Below is an example of the Vendor Directory autofill options displaying on the draw request page. Selecting one of the Vendors from the gray drop down will autofill the Vendor Name, Email, Address, City, State and Zip into the draw request.